Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Palm Sunday - I can only imagine the events surrounding the Palm Sunday procession. Jesus, the one they thought was going to change the world - he had done so many other things - healing, raising people from the dead - this man was now making his way into Jerusalem. The time had come. They were cheering the warrior on to battle. He would go in there and clean house. No more political government, no more oppression. Change was coming, and they were all there to see it happen, to see him do it.

But once inside, there were no battles or overthrowing of government. Jesus continued to be with his disciples. They celebrated the Passover. People were waiting, anticipating, hoping. Wasn't he supposed to be their new king

Holy Week is the time of waiting just like the crowd and wondering what is Jesus going to do?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have You Seen God today?

A very spiritual friend of mine asked me this question. I had to stop and think. I realized that is not a good sign. But yes, I had seen God. I saw God's handiwork in two flocks of geese criss-crossing and molding into one large flock. I heard God's voice in the laughter and squeal of the children playing in the sunshine. I saw God's eyes in the lady talking about an illness in her family that is weighing on her heart.

I am sure I miss God every day. But once reminded, I begin to look again. To realize all the places God appears - even when I'm not looking.

So, where have you seen God today?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holy Lent

How do you know if you are experiencing a holy Lent? I know what the Book of Common Prayer calls us to do - self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, self-denial, reading and meditating on God's word. It seems like such hard work and we are all so busy.

But then, I read a paragraph back and where it recalls the real theology behind this time. Where "the first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord's passion and resurrection" and those "because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the followship of the church."

Great devotion... being reconciled to the fellowship of the church...It may have been hard work back then too but the end result of being reconciled, of being invited back into fellowship was worth it to the early Christians. And I think it is worth it for me too!