Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Star Trek The Next Generation and Parousia

I caught an episode of Star Trek TNG last night about three people who had been "frozen" for 300 years and the Enterprise thawed them. Of course, the Enterprise was having some bigger issue with Romulans that these three could not possibly understand; but for me, it was interesting to have the character study of these three.

The loudest was a man who wanted to get back to earth to his bank because he knew he would now be a millionaire. Too bad, Captain Picard told him, because there was no need for banks - everybody had everything they needed. Then, he wanted to get to his attorney, because he knew that was the largest law firm in whatever city. Of course, Captain P just gave him a slight grin.

The second character was a woman and she wondered about her children and what became of them. Through the marvel of the computer, Counselor Troi ran a "" program and traced her children and their families. This made her very happy.

The third guy was just happy to be there. He had been a country singer (I think) in his other time, and thought he'd be just as successful this time around.

No need for banks, everyone having everything they need, no disease, no hunger, no work - you do what you enjoy. You enrich yourself. The poor guy couldn't even phantom this. He was told he was to enjoy life, to study, to dance, to play.

Captain Picard's world is kind of the way I hope to find Parousia! And I plan to be just happy to be there!